Working together to make your business stronger, fitter and ready for whatever comes next.


We work with clients and businesses across multiple sectors, bringing together complementary service providers and forming strategic business alliances to create real synergy. For more details of what we can do for your business, click on your sector in the menu above.


We work with a huge range of law firms, from sole practitioners through to large multi-office national practices.


The motor sector has gone through massive changes in the last few years, with more changes still to come as the next generation of autonomous vehicles come online. Our clients source vehicles and provide innovative finance solutions, whether for next generation EVs or for modern (or classic) fossil-fuel powered cars. 

Recycling / Renewables

In Yorkshire, we used to say "where there's muck, there's brass" and the saying has never been more apt than it is today, as the emphasis on recycling and renewables increases year-on-year. This is a very dynamic sector, awash with innovation, and we help businesses to capitalise on their investment through referrals to R&D tax relief specialists


We work strategically with a range of insurers, whether in respect of after the event cover for claims work, or panel management and related services in respect of wider policy claims

Manufacturing / Engineering

In order to survive Brexit and Covid-19, engineering and manufacturing business have had to evolve, to find new markets and new ways of working. We help businesses to realise their investment through links with specialists in R&D tax relief.


At the cutting edge of pharmaceutical development, leading the way in the search for treatments and cures for diseases and illnesses, through technical and scientific innovation.

Funders / Lenders / Fintech

The funding market has changed significantly post-Brexit and Covid-19, but our clients continue to develop and refine their offerings to businesses, particularly in the litigation funding market.

Science / Technology

The science and technology sectors have experienced exponential growth over a lengthy period, and that growth shows no sign of stopping. Leaders in innovation, constantly developing, redesigning and breaking down technical barriers, these businesses are at the forefront of innovation.

Other Sectors

We have clients across the entire business spectrum, and it's fair to say that they do not all fit neatly within sector "boxes". Our services and strategic partners offer a range of services that can help your business to grow, through strategic alliances, support and through specialist tax advice.

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